Thursday, August 25, 2011


      When you wake up in the morning what's the first thing you think of? For me? All too often it's, "can I go back to sleep?!" Sunday morning Carson walked out of his room and the first thing he said was, "Does Daddy have to go to work today?" Wow! It brought tears to my eyes just thinking about how much he loves his Daddy and looked forward to spending time with him! After just a minute I was convicted! How many times is our Heavenly Father the first thing on our mind in the morning? Are we looking forward to spending time with Him? In Mark 10 the Bible talks about having a child like faith. I think this situation shows a perfect example of how much Carson looks up to Bart. We should treasure our Heavenly Father so much that He is the first thing on our mind and we are excited to spend time with Him! I'm so thankful for Carson and the Lord using him to remind me how blessed we are to have a Savior who loves us even when we don't respond to that love as we should!


  1. 3 year old frequently says: "Does Daddy have to go to work today?" He is deploying in that's going to be so rough! Thanks for your comment on the quite book - I copied it from a book my neighbor girl had, that was also an older "vintage" book.

  2. Elisa,I can't imagine how difficult that would be. I'm so thankful for his willingness to serve our country!
