I ran across this quote last week and I've been thinking about it ever since! How many of us actually believe that wishes come true? I would think the majority is no, this includes me. So if that is the case, why do I not have more goals set for myself and my family?
It's confession time. I don't like to fail! Of course, who does?! It's easier not to write down my goals because then it doesn't seem as bad if I don't reach them! On the other hand it won't be as rewarding if they are reached!
I guess the solution is to accept failure. Failure is normal!! I still need to convince myself of this. How do we expect ourselves to be perfect(or close) when most of us know Jesus is the ONLY perfect one, we are human, after all. I now suggest one of my Dad's favorite concepts, balance! A balance of attempting certain achievements but also not beating ourselves up if we don't get it right the first time. To quote the movie Finding Nemo, "just keep swimming!" Life is made up of good days and bad. Hopefully the good ones outweigh the bad!
"I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus" Philippians 3:14. Press on, in other words, keep swimming! It's a new school year, I think it's time that I write down some goals. How about you?
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